These are some greyscale (or black & white) displacement maps you can use to greeble up your floors or paste as skin onto an alien, preview images are provided for your convenience.
All are 4096 x 4096 pixels 16 bit png. Most were generated with FilterForge, but “TheBorgLiveHere” was done with JSPlacement.
All come with the preview picture you can see below so it is easier to find them in your folders and see what they do.
Scroll to the bottom for a complete package with all of them in one archive.
All displacement files are under a Creative Commons BY licence (CC BY). You may use them as you want, even for commercial projects (under the CC-license mentioned above), but it would be appreciated if you drop me a line were you used them to xanathon[at]xanathon[dot]com
All files are provided “as is”, you cannot blame me if your video card melts. 🙂
A click on the image takes you to a bigger version of the preview, clicking on the name (link) takes you to the download.

sunil thapa
Posted on 4. June 2021 at 16:41No link Exit,
Posted on 4. June 2021 at 18:21The links work fine?